TrullyWebSDK is an identity validation component designed to be integrated into your decision-making process.
Description | Example | |
packageName |
You’re app namespace/applicationId | com.trully.unico |
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven {
url = uri("")
maven {
url = uri("")
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven {
url ''
maven {
url ''
Our module requires a compileSdk of, at least, 34 and a minSdk of, at least, 24.
Make sure your build.gradle
has the correct versioning
android {
compileSdk = 34
defaultConfig {
minSdk = 24
android {
compileSdk 34
defaultConfig {
minSdk 24
dependencies {
implementation("com.github.TrullyAI:TrullyKotlinSDK:latest") //change latest for the version number
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.TrullyAI:TrullyKotlinSDK:latest' //change latest for the version number
trully = "latest" //change latest for the version number
trully-sdk = { group = "com.github.TrullyAI", name = "TrullyKotlinSDK", version.ref = "trully" }
dependencies {
<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="true" />
// If you're app doesn't need FINE_LOCATION, make sure to add this line so you remove our declaration from the final AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" tools:node="remove" />
If you have a custom app theme declared in the manifest file:
tools:replace="android:theme" - Add this line to replace the themes and avoid compile configs
... >
It is possible that some other theme related issues appear during compilation. Please, make sure to read the Logcat an add the corresponding data to the tools:replace.
Add TrullyListeners to the activity that will launch the SDK and implement its members so you can have access to the process data.
Method | Description |
onTrack |
Catch the step changing of the operation. |
onTrackDetail |
Catch the user’s interaction during the operation. |
onResult |
Catch the results of the operation. |
onError |
Catch the errors of the operation. |
onLeaveFromStart |
Optional. Set an action for the onBackPressed event for the initial view of the process. |
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), TrullyListeners {
override fun onTrack(trackStep: TrackStep) {
Log.d("onTrack", trackStep.toString())
override fun onTrackDetail(trackDetail: TrackDetail) {
Log.d("onTrackDetail", trackDetail.toString())
override fun onResult(response: TrullyResponse) {
Log.d("onresult", response.toString())
override fun onError(errorData: ErrorData) {
Log.d("onError", errorData.toString())
To start the process you need to pass the packageContext. This is because our
SDK runs on top of that context, which means if you run it from an empty
Activity and the user goes back while on the first view of the SDK it will be
left with an empty view. Same goes for fragments.
You can control this by
adding the optional onLeaveFromStart listener so you can decide where the user
should be redirected
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), TrullyListeners {
override fun onLeaveFromStart() {
Log.d("onLeaveFromStart", "Custom back action when the user back to the previous screen from the TrullySDK")
Here you’ll found the structures of the data received in each listener function
This listener function will be called every time the user starts a new step on the process. There are five different steps. When a new step is started, you’ll receive the data from the previous completed step.
Key | Description |
step |
Name of the previous completed step. |
userID |
The userID you passed during initialization. |
started_on |
UTC timezone. Step starting time. |
completed_on |
UTC timezone. Step completion time. |
override fun onTrack(trackStep: TrackStep) {
Log.d("onTrack", trackStep.toString())
Name | Description |
form_start |
User is currently scanning the document. |
form_document |
Process is currently trying to obtained location. |
form_location |
User is currently completing liveness process. |
form_selfie |
User reach the final step of the operation. |
form_decision_maker |
Operation has the Decision Maker respond. |
This listener function will be called when the user take some actions during the operation. The actions that will trigger it are the ones related to the data needed for the Decision Maker.
Key | Description |
userID |
The userID you passed during initialization. |
action |
Name of the action that trigger the function. |
timestamp |
UTC timezone. When the function was trigger. |
override fun onTrackDetail(trackDetail: TrackDetail) {
Log.d("onTrackDetail", trackDetail.toString())
Name | Description |
User accept Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions. |
User declined Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions. |
Operation start new page. |
The operation couldn’t start camera. |
Operation has document front. |
Operation has document back. |
Operation needs to re start document analysis. |
Operation has analyzed front and back image. |
Operation has user’s location. |
Operation blocked due to location permissions denied. Retry operation |
Operation has continued without user’s location. |
Operation has start liveness analysis. |
Operation has analyzed liveness status. |
Operation has sended data collected to Decision Maker. Awaiting result |
Operation has Decision Maker result. |
This listener function will be called when the operation gets the Decision Maker result. Go to Reading Results section to get more information
This listener function will be called in case of an error during the operation.
Key | Description |
process |
Which part of the process trigger the function. |
message |
Error message |
userID |
The userID you passed during initialization. |
timestamp |
UTC timezone. When the function was trigger. |
override fun onError(errorData: ErrorData) {
Log.d("onError", errorData.toString())
Name | Description |
HTTP error when saving track data. |
HTTP error when getting ip data. |
Process error during document reader initialization. |
Process error analyzing document. |
Process error obtaining location. |
Process error analyzing liveness. |
HTTP error when getting Decision Maker response. |
To configure the SDK you’ll need to call the init
Parameter | Description |
packageContext |
Is the context of your Application/Activity. |
apiKey |
You’re client API_KEY. The SDK won’t work without it. |
config |
Config object will pass the environment and the styles to the SDK. See more |
val config = TrullyConfig(environment = Environment.DEBUG, userID = "YOUR_ID_FOR_THE_PROCESS")
//* For production environments use `Environment.RELEASE`. Required
//* userID will identify the user completing the process. Required
TrullySdk.init(apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY", config = config)
To start the SDK you’ll need to call the start
Parameter | Description |
packageContext |
Is the context of your Application/Activity. |
listener |
Is the TrullyListeners of your Application/activity. |
TrullySdk.start(packageContext = this, listener = this)
import ai.trully.sdk.TrullySdk
import ai.trully.sdk.configurations.TrullyConfig
import ai.trully.sdk.models.Environment
import ai.trully.sdk.models.ErrorData
import ai.trully.sdk.models.TrackDetail
import ai.trully.sdk.models.TrackStep
import ai.trully.sdk.models.TrullyResponse
import ai.trully.sdk.protocols.listeners.TrullyListeners
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), TrullyListeners {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
override fun onResult(response: TrullyResponse) {
Log.d("onResult", response.toString())
override fun onTrack(trackStep: TrackStep) {
Log.d("onTrack", trackStep.toString())
override fun onTrackDetail(trackDetail: TrackDetail) {
Log.d("onTrackDetail", trackDetail.toString())
override fun onError(errorData: ErrorData) {
Log.d("onError", errorData.toString())
private fun initialize() {
//Set SDK configuration
val config = TrullyConfig(environment = Environment.DEBUG, userID = "YOUR_ID_FOR_THE_PROCESS")
//* For production environments use `Environment.RELEASE`. Required
//* userID will identify the user completing the process. Required
//Initialize SDK
TrullySdk.init(apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY", config = config)
//Run SDK
TrullySdk.start(packageContext = this, listener = this)
The config object will allow to configure environment execution and change the styles. Also, for the process to work you need to pass a userID. The config object will let you do that.
Parameter | Description |
environment |
Environment.DEBUG for development. Environment.RELEASE for production. Required |
userID |
Will allow you to link the process to an ID generate by you for better track of each process. Required |
tag |
The tag from the process. Automatically generated. |
This is used to link every image analysis run by this SDK | |
styles |
Styles object that will allow you to config color, logo and texts. Optional |
private fun initialize() {
val styles: TrullyStyles = TrullyStyles()
//Set SDK configuration
val config = TrullyConfig(environment = Environment.DEBUG, userID = "YOUR_ID_FOR_THE_PROCESS", style = styles)
//* For production environments use `Environment.RELEASE`.
//* We recommend using named arguments so the order doesn't matter. If you're not using them, this example shows the order you should pass the arguments.
//Initialize SDK
TrullySdk.init(apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY", config = config)
//Run SDK
TrullySdk.start(packageContext = this, listener = this)
TrullySdk helps you to get a candidate data (by default you’ll be collecting document image, location and selfie) so our Decision Maker can analyze it. But our Decision Maker could be used to analyze different data points and you may want to combine every Decision Maker response you get for every data point (learn more about Decision Maker on the API Docs). You can join the response you get from the TrullySdk with others Decision Maker responses passing the request_id in the config object.
Key | Description |
request_id |
String. The id generated by the Decision Maker for any analysis run. |
private fun initialize() {
val styles: TrullyStyles = TrullyStyles()
//Set SDK configuration
val config = TrullyConfig(environment = Environment.DEBUG, userID = "YOUR_ID_FOR_THE_PROCESS", request_id = "PREV_DM_REQUEST_ID")
//* For production environments use `Environment.RELEASE`.
//* We recommend using named arguments so the order doesn't matter. If you're not using them, this example shows the order you should pass the arguments.
//Initialize SDK
TrullySdk.init(apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY", config = config)
//Run SDK
TrullySdk.start(packageContext = this, listener = this)
Optionally you can change colors and images.
Key | Description | Value |
primaryColor |
Will change statusBar, button, icons and links color. | #475FFF |
disabledColor |
Will change button color when legal is not accepted. | #D6A0FF |
backgroundColor |
Will change app background color. | #FFFFFF |
private fun initialize() {
val styles: TrullyStyles = TrullyStyles()
styles.primaryColor = ai.trully.sdk.R.color.primary
styles.disabledColor = ai.trully.sdk.R.color.disabled
styles.backgroundColor = ai.trully.sdk.R.color.background
//Set SDK configuration
val config = TrullyConfig(environment = Environment.DEBUG, userID = "YOUR_ID_FOR_THE_PROCESS", style = styles)
//* For production environments use `Environment.RELEASE`.
//* We recommend using named arguments so the order doesn't matter. If you're not using them, this example shows the order you should pass the arguments.
//Initialize SDK
TrullySdk.init(apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY", config = config)
//Run SDK
TrullySdk.start(packageContext = this, listener = this)
We are using the url to show you the images. Please, make sure you upload the images to your project and pass the corresponding drawable to the styles object
Key | Value |
logo | |
IDIcon | |
selfieIcon | |
IDImage | |
permissions | |
light | |
cross | |
showId | |
check | |
faceTimeout | |
noLocation | |
noCamera | |
error | |
private fun initialize() {
val styles: TrullyStyles = TrullyStyles()
styles.logo = ai.trully.sdk.R.drawable.logo
styles.IDIcon = ai.trully.sdk.R.drawable.ine
styles.selfieIcon = ai.trully.sdk.R.drawable.selfie
styles.IdImage =
styles.permission = ai.trully.sdk.R.drawable.modalandroid_camara
styles.light = ai.trully.truedeepfakedetection.R.drawable.light
styles.cross = ai.trully.truedeepfakedetection.R.drawable.cross
styles.showId = ai.trully.sdk.R.drawable.pruebavida
styles.check = ai.trully.sdk.R.drawable.check_circulo
styles.faceTimeout = ai.trully.truedeepfakedetection.R.drawable.rostrofail
styles.noLocation = ai.trully.sdk.R.drawable.ubicacion
styles.noCamera = ai.trully.sdk.R.drawable.camara
styles.errorIcon = ai.trully.sdk.R.drawable.timeouticon
//Set SDK configuration
val config = TrullyConfig(environment = Environment.DEBUG, userID = "YOUR_ID_FOR_THE_PROCESS", style = styles)
//* For production environments use `Environment.RELEASE`.
//* We recommend using named arguments so the order doesn't matter. If you're not using them, this example shows the order you should pass the arguments.
//Initialize SDK
TrullySdk.init(apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY", config = config)
//Run SDK
TrullySdk.start(packageContext = this, listener = this)
import ai.trully.sdk.TrullySdk
import ai.trully.sdk.configurations.TrullyConfig
import ai.trully.sdk.configurations.TrullyStyles
import ai.trully.sdk.models.Environment
import ai.trully.sdk.models.ErrorData
import ai.trully.sdk.models.TrackDetail
import ai.trully.sdk.models.TrackStep
import ai.trully.sdk.models.TrullyResponse
import ai.trully.sdk.protocols.listeners.TrullyListeners
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), TrullyListeners {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
override fun onResult(response: TrullyResponse) {
Log.d("onResult", response.toString())
override fun onTrack(trackStep: TrackStep) {
Log.d("onTrack", trackStep.toString())
override fun onTrackDetail(trackDetail: TrackDetail) {
Log.d("onTrackDetail", trackDetail.toString())
override fun onError(errorData: ErrorData) {
Log.d("onError", errorData.toString())
private fun initialize() {
val styles: TrullyStyles = TrullyStyles()
styles.uiTexts.docType = Texts.PASSPORT
styles.primaryColor = ai.trully.sdk.R.color.primary
styles.disabledColor = ai.trully.sdk.R.color.disabled
styles.backgroundColor = ai.trully.sdk.R.color.background
styles.logo = ai.trully.sdk.R.drawable.logo
styles.IDIcon = ai.trully.sdk.R.drawable.ine
styles.selfieIcon = ai.trully.sdk.R.drawable.selfie
styles.IdImage =
styles.permission = ai.trully.sdk.R.drawable.modalandroid_camara
styles.light = ai.trully.truedeepfakedetection.R.drawable.light
styles.cross = ai.trully.truedeepfakedetection.R.drawable.cross
styles.showId = ai.trully.sdk.R.drawable.pruebavida
styles.check = ai.trully.sdk.R.drawable.check_circulo
styles.faceTimeout = ai.trully.truedeepfakedetection.R.drawable.rostrofail
styles.noLocation = ai.trully.sdk.R.drawable.ubicacion
styles.noCamera = ai.trully.sdk.R.drawable.camara
styles.errorIcon = ai.trully.sdk.R.drawable.timeouticon
val config = TrullyConfig(environment = Environment.DEBUG, userID = "YOUR_ID_FOR_THE_PROCESS", style = styles)
//Initialize SDK
TrullySdk.init(apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY", config = config)
//Run SDK
TrullySdk.start(packageContext = this, listener = this)
You’ll find more details in Decision Maker API Docs
Key | Description |
tag |
String. The tag from the process. Automatically generated when you didn’t pass one through configuration prop |
user_id |
String. The userID you passed with the TrullyConfig object |
raw_data |
Object containing the unprocessed data from the Decision Maker. You can learn more about here |
ip |
String. Device IP captured on the SDK process (Only available after v4.2.2) |
location * |
Object containing the latitude and longitude captured on the SDK process (Only available after v4.2.2) |
calculated_rfc |
String. The RFC calculated from the document. Could be null (Only available after v4.4.0) |
label |
String. The label generate by the Decision Maker for the user who has completed the process |
No Threat - low risk user. Review - medium risk user. Potential Threat - high risk | |
reason |
Array. Contains the reasons behind the decision |
request_id |
String. The ID generated bay the Decision Maker for the process. |
image |
Base64 string. Selfie |
document_image |
Base64 string. Document front cropped |
document_image_complete |
Base64 string. Document front uncropped |
document_back |
Base64 string. Document back cropped |
document_back_complete |
Base64 string. Document back uncropped |
* In order to make the process as smooth as possible for the user, after the permission is granted, the SDK will wait up to five seconds to retrieve location. If it is not possible, the SDK will let the user continue. Before the data is sent to the Decision Maker, it will try again to retrieve the location. The precess will never stop the user after they granted location permission. This means, it its possible to complete a process without location data.
override fun onResult(response: TrullyResponse) {
//Complete Decision Maker response
Log.d("TRULLY_SDK", response.raw_data.toString())
//Short response
Log.d("TRULLY_SDK", response.user_id.toString())
Log.d("TRULLY_SDK", response.request_id.toString())
Log.d("TRULLY_SDK", response.label.toString())
Log.d("TRULLY_SDK", response.reason.toString())
//Images - base64 string
Log.d("TRULLY_SDK", response.image.toString())
Log.d("TRULLY_SDK", response.document_image.toString())
Log.d("TRULLY_SDK", response.document_image_complete.toString())
Log.d("TRULLY_SDK", response.document_back.toString())
Log.d("TRULLY_SDK", response.document_back_complete.toString())
// IP (Only available after v4.2.2)
Log.d("TRULLY_SDK", response.ip.toString())
// Location (Only available after v4.2.2)
Log.d("TRULLY_SDK", response.location?.lat.toString())
Log.d("TRULLY_SDK", response.location?.lng.toString())
// Calculated RFC (Only available after v4.4.0)
Log.d("TRULLY_SDK", response.calculated_rfc.toString())
If you prefer it is possible to set a webhook url to receive the Decision Maker response. To do it, add webhook parameter to the TrullyConfig object
private fun initialize() {
//Set SDK configuration
val config = TrullyConfig(environment = Environment.DEBUG, userID = "YOUR_ID_FOR_THE_PROCESS", webhook = "YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL")
//* For production environments use `Environment.RELEASE`.
//* We recommend using named arguments so the order doesn't matter. If you're not using them, this example shows the order you should pass the arguments.
//Initialize SDK
TrullySdk.init(apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY", config = config)
//Run SDK
TrullySdk.start(packageContext = this, listener = this)
The size that you are seeing is not the size that your end users will get. The size that you can see includes support for four architectures (arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, and x86_64). But one device has one architecture, not four. You can check the size of the app for one architecture creating an .aab for a specific architecture by following these instructions
android {
defaultConfig {
ndk {
abiFilters 'arm64-v8a'
android {
defaultConfig {
ndk {
In the Menu of Android Studio: Build -> Generate Signed Bundle / APK. Then choose the Android App Bundle option. Follow the assistance instructions and the result should be a single architecture bundle with the size your app will take on a user device
⚠️ Make sure to delete these configuration before creating the final package